Ah well. So think of this as a new beginning.
If you stumble across this blog and look backwards you will find an archive of house renovation and a few tidbits of family life. If you look forward you will find our journey into the world of juicing. Juice Feasting to be exact.

http://juicefeasting.com (go here to see more)

Three of us...from this point on known as K, A, and B... will be entering a 92 day Juice Feast.
This is different from a fast. This is fruits and vegetable (greens) juices to the tune of a gallon or more a day. Just typing that makes me burp.
This "feast" is designed to cleanse and rebuild your body, not shut it down into fasting mode. Cleansing and re-building. I need that.
If you are here looking for Juice Feasting it could be that you are wanting some support, some camaraderie, or maybe some laughs as you chew your tasty morsels and laugh at the crazies and their straws.
I am here, typing, as a way to journal. If you want to follow along you are welcome.
I am going to be point blank in a lot of posts as we journey. No holds barred. I am writing for myself first. (that alone will be a challenge) Again, you are welcome to come along for the ride!
You might find measurements, raw emotional spillage, poop reports, and/or everything in between.
Might be embarrassing.
Could be fun.
Certainly, it will be an adventure!
Hang on!!
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