It sure felt like ninety-two days. But it was only two.
That is how long I made it on this little journey.
By the end of Sunday I was ready to throw my GVJ (green vegetable juice) right up against my pretty yellow kitchen wall. I downed my last quart for the day and stood at the sink praising God that I didn't have to look at another jug of juice for 12 whole hours. I had been feeling pretty good compared to the other feasters in the house. They both had headaches and over all chills and flu-ish feelings. I had none of that. But I was starting to feel a little panicked by the dark circles and general blech of my sweeties. I do not function well when they are sick. (It is all about me, isn't it?) I started feeling a little weepy thinking about detox and more detox. Even tho I was "feeling" pretty ok in my body...my mind and emotions were a mess.
Also, my stomach was burning like a...like a...well, it was burning. A lot.
I am used to the burn since I have an ulcer. I don't do tomatoes or pineapples because they cause my stomach to start to digest itself. Ewww....Anyway...I am used to the burn. I know how to handle it. I was not ok with the burn after every jug of juice. Not. o.k.
Then, mix in my hangups about loved ones and their health, eating habits of the general population, terrorist scare tactics of the health food community and the pressure of downing 4 quarts of liquid that looks suspiciously like stomach acid and you have one sure fire cocktail o' trouble.
(not that the Juice Feasting people are perpetrators of terrorist scare tactics...it is just really easy to read tons of scary stuff when you are researching the finer points of enemas.)
So what is a girl to do?
I chose to bail. And cry. It is my prerogative, right? (is that how you spell that? spell check says it is...hmmmm)
Anyway, crying. big sigh. I promised my girl that I would not make a final decision at 10pm. I would wait until morning. Things always look brighter in the morning.
6am. time to make the donuts. (if only) Actually, time to make the juice for my honey to take to work. Rejoicing ensued.
(Not from my honey...unfortunately. He grinned and took it like a man but I can't say that he was excited by that sweet little cooler of GVJ.)
No, the rejoicing was coming from me. I did a little snoopy dance at every single thought of not drinking any more of the green stuff. Every....single....thought....dance, dance, dance....ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Now? Now I am sipping Master Cleanse lemonaide. It is nice. I may actually do this for a bit. We shall see how the tummy takes it. I may return quickly to a raw food diet. I am going to see how long I can do the Master Cleanse. I got past the two first killer days so I may as well ride this wave a bit longer. Might be just what my body needs.
Besides...I kinda like the enemas.
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