He, K, keeps juicing. He says he wants to shoot for a week at least...to break some not-so-good habits. I can dig it.
A, and I (that would be me) get up in the morning to make juice for K to take to work.
We have this down.
That first morning was a bear. A booger. Wow. It was long and hard.
Now we just churn it out.
That first morning we were still cleaning up four hours later.
Now...we stroll down around 6 and we are cleaned up and sending him out the door by 7.
Are you amazed?
Let me tell you how we do it.
First...we are now only juicing for one person. That first morning we were juicing for all 3 of us.
I think that could be important.
But....it isn't just that. We have a system. It really works. Listen.
Around 4 or 5 pm get out all the produce for the next days juicing.
Wash it, chop it, and store it in the fridge.
If you are doing apples, juice your lemons over the top of the chopped apples so they won't brown.
Celery, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, anything else that we have used....all stay fine until the next morning.
For lettuces and greens, spread out a clean bath towel, place your freshly washed and chopped lettuce on the towel, roll it up like a burrito and put it in the fridge...nice and crisp and ready in the morning.
Now, clean off your counter, (after supper if need be).
Spread out a clean bath towel. (use an old one cuz this stuff can stain)
Put your blender, a large bowl, nut-mylk bags, clean jars, and rubber gloves (really help protect the hands if the enzymes are chapping) on top of the towel.
I also set out a lemon, MSM, and honey so I can make lemon water first thing.
Now, if you start out with a clean sink you can make the juice and be completely cleaned up before you know it!
That vitamix really is easy to clean.
As for the rest...I shake any stray leaves off the bath towels, rinse off the nut-mylk bags and put them with the towels, gather any kitchen towels I used in clean up (we tend to get water and juice drops everywhere) and head to the washer.
So simple.
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