Random thoughts. There is no point. Everyone else has a blog, so why not? Just because your head is pointed doesn't make you sharp.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
He keeps going...
He, K, keeps juicing. He says he wants to shoot for a week at least...to break some not-so-good habits. I can dig it.
A, and I (that would be me) get up in the morning to make juice for K to take to work.
We have this down.
That first morning was a bear. A booger. Wow. It was long and hard.
Now we just churn it out.
That first morning we were still cleaning up four hours later.
Now...we stroll down around 6 and we are cleaned up and sending him out the door by 7.
Are you amazed?
Let me tell you how we do it.
First...we are now only juicing for one person. That first morning we were juicing for all 3 of us.
I think that could be important.
But....it isn't just that. We have a system. It really works. Listen.
Around 4 or 5 pm get out all the produce for the next days juicing.
Wash it, chop it, and store it in the fridge.
If you are doing apples, juice your lemons over the top of the chopped apples so they won't brown.
Celery, cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, anything else that we have used....all stay fine until the next morning.
For lettuces and greens, spread out a clean bath towel, place your freshly washed and chopped lettuce on the towel, roll it up like a burrito and put it in the fridge...nice and crisp and ready in the morning.
Now, clean off your counter, (after supper if need be).
Spread out a clean bath towel. (use an old one cuz this stuff can stain)
Put your blender, a large bowl, nut-mylk bags, clean jars, and rubber gloves (really help protect the hands if the enzymes are chapping) on top of the towel.
I also set out a lemon, MSM, and honey so I can make lemon water first thing.
Now, if you start out with a clean sink you can make the juice and be completely cleaned up before you know it!
That vitamix really is easy to clean.
As for the rest...I shake any stray leaves off the bath towels, rinse off the nut-mylk bags and put them with the towels, gather any kitchen towels I used in clean up (we tend to get water and juice drops everywhere) and head to the washer.
So simple.
Monday, August 09, 2010
My daughter called me a weirdo.
Today my daughter called me a weirdo.
If you read the last post you do not need to question her declaration.
It was the last sentence that did her in.
In other news...as of 3:30 pm...day 3...K and A are still in this juicing thing.
K is at work. We shall see if he makes it through the day. Dealing with blood sugar issues must make it so difficult for him. I have the utmost respect for his ability to stick to it. I just do not know if he wants to. Freedom is a beautiful thing.
A is trying to modify the way she is juicing. She felt sooo terrible over the weekend. Somewhere, sometime I had read about people having sensitivity to sulfur. Sulfur is in so many of the foods we eat when we are eating healthy. Greens especially. Also onions, garlic, meats, dairy, eggs, cabbage, broccoli, kale...on and on. We have known for a long time that onions give the girl a raging headache. Maybe now we know why.
So, lettuces are not high in this compound. (Thiols to be more precise) Neither are melons, avocados, carrots, citrus, or ginger. Again the list is long. We are going to try to juice her up with the safe list for a good week and see how she feels. This could really be a turning point in her overall health. I am excited to see.
Stay tuned for some juicing pictures. I know you are excited!!
92 days...
It sure felt like ninety-two days. But it was only two.
That is how long I made it on this little journey.
By the end of Sunday I was ready to throw my GVJ (green vegetable juice) right up against my pretty yellow kitchen wall. I downed my last quart for the day and stood at the sink praising God that I didn't have to look at another jug of juice for 12 whole hours. I had been feeling pretty good compared to the other feasters in the house. They both had headaches and over all chills and flu-ish feelings. I had none of that. But I was starting to feel a little panicked by the dark circles and general blech of my sweeties. I do not function well when they are sick. (It is all about me, isn't it?) I started feeling a little weepy thinking about detox and more detox. Even tho I was "feeling" pretty ok in my body...my mind and emotions were a mess.
Also, my stomach was burning like a...like a...well, it was burning. A lot.
I am used to the burn since I have an ulcer. I don't do tomatoes or pineapples because they cause my stomach to start to digest itself. Ewww....Anyway...I am used to the burn. I know how to handle it. I was not ok with the burn after every jug of juice. Not. o.k.
Then, mix in my hangups about loved ones and their health, eating habits of the general population, terrorist scare tactics of the health food community and the pressure of downing 4 quarts of liquid that looks suspiciously like stomach acid and you have one sure fire cocktail o' trouble.
(not that the Juice Feasting people are perpetrators of terrorist scare tactics...it is just really easy to read tons of scary stuff when you are researching the finer points of enemas.)
So what is a girl to do?
I chose to bail. And cry. It is my prerogative, right? (is that how you spell that? spell check says it is...hmmmm)
Anyway, crying. big sigh. I promised my girl that I would not make a final decision at 10pm. I would wait until morning. Things always look brighter in the morning.
6am. time to make the donuts. (if only) Actually, time to make the juice for my honey to take to work. Rejoicing ensued.
(Not from my honey...unfortunately. He grinned and took it like a man but I can't say that he was excited by that sweet little cooler of GVJ.)
No, the rejoicing was coming from me. I did a little snoopy dance at every single thought of not drinking any more of the green stuff. Every....single....thought....dance, dance, dance....ahhhhhhhhhhh.
Now? Now I am sipping Master Cleanse lemonaide. It is nice. I may actually do this for a bit. We shall see how the tummy takes it. I may return quickly to a raw food diet. I am going to see how long I can do the Master Cleanse. I got past the two first killer days so I may as well ride this wave a bit longer. Might be just what my body needs.
Besides...I kinda like the enemas.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Some things you need to know...
Day one...a list.
1. You know when you drink a ton of water and you laugh and you can hear the water slurgling around in your insides? Well that same exact thing happens when you do an enema.
2. Note to self...don't laugh too hard when you do an enema. No matter how silly you feel.
3. Hot water bottles/enema bags look like whoopie cushions to a 10 year old.
4. Making 3 gallons of juice takes a lot longer to make than you would think. Figure on 1 hr per gallon.
5. Old bath towels spread out all over the counters saves a ton of clean up later.
6. Popeye forearms are in. Aren't they?
7. It takes a lot of strength to milk a spinach.
8. Spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, ginger juice is not so bad.
9. Ninety-one more days of spinach, kale, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, ginger juice is really not a pleasant prospect...no matter how Pollyanna you try to be.
10. Prep work done the night before could save your life.
11. Prep includes all washing and chopping that can possibly be done ahead of time.
12. Prep is ninety percent of the work.
13. Green Vegetable juice really stains around the edges of your fingernails.
14. If you drop some kale, or apple, or cucumber on the floor and you pick it up and put it in your blender...no one will ever know the difference.
15. If you have a 9 yr. old in the kitchen, chances are he will rat you out if you pick something up off the floor and stick it in the blender.
Remember, this is for your good, for your benefit, for your health. You are worth it. This won't last forever and there is joy to be found in the journey. Remind me of this later.
Friday, August 06, 2010
A Disclaimer:
I am not a doctor...I do not play one on TV.
Got that?
Anything you read here is about me and my journey. Not you. Not your journey. Seriously. Sounds selfish, I know.
Mostly I just want you to know that I have done TONS of research into this. I am doing this because it is what seems best for me at this time. I don't want anyone to look at what I do and ever ever think that I am recommending that you do the same. You have to make that decision for yourself. I read a beautiful paragraph and disclaimer over on Angela Stokes-Monarch's site...rawreform.blogspot.com. I post it here now as a ditto to what she said. (I hope I have not breached any blog protocol in copying this section. If I have please let me know and I will come up with my own disclaimer. It just won't be as good as this one. )
So...what she said...
"...I am sharing my own experiences in this blog, not giving guidelines for others." Angela Stokes-Monarch
This blog is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information available on or through this blog are for general informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You take full legal responsibility for whatever decisions you make regarding your own health care. This material is offered solely for educational purposes. The suggestion is that you think clearly for yourself and make your own decisions, with the input of a licensed health professional should you choose to consult one.
A New Beginning...
Wow! It has been a looooong time. How have you been? Anyone? Anyone? *crickets*
Ah well. So think of this as a new beginning.
If you stumble across this blog and look backwards you will find an archive of house renovation and a few tidbits of family life. If you look forward you will find our journey into the world of juicing. Juice Feasting to be exact.
http://juicefeasting.com (go here to see more)
Three of us...from this point on known as K, A, and B... will be entering a 92 day Juice Feast.
This is different from a fast. This is fruits and vegetable (greens) juices to the tune of a gallon or more a day. Just typing that makes me burp.
This "feast" is designed to cleanse and rebuild your body, not shut it down into fasting mode. Cleansing and re-building. I need that.
If you are here looking for Juice Feasting it could be that you are wanting some support, some camaraderie, or maybe some laughs as you chew your tasty morsels and laugh at the crazies and their straws.
I am here, typing, as a way to journal. If you want to follow along you are welcome.
I am going to be point blank in a lot of posts as we journey. No holds barred. I am writing for myself first. (that alone will be a challenge) Again, you are welcome to come along for the ride!
You might find measurements, raw emotional spillage, poop reports, and/or everything in between.
Might be embarrassing.
Could be fun.
Certainly, it will be an adventure!
Hang on!!
Ah well. So think of this as a new beginning.
If you stumble across this blog and look backwards you will find an archive of house renovation and a few tidbits of family life. If you look forward you will find our journey into the world of juicing. Juice Feasting to be exact.
http://juicefeasting.com (go here to see more)
Three of us...from this point on known as K, A, and B... will be entering a 92 day Juice Feast.
This is different from a fast. This is fruits and vegetable (greens) juices to the tune of a gallon or more a day. Just typing that makes me burp.
This "feast" is designed to cleanse and rebuild your body, not shut it down into fasting mode. Cleansing and re-building. I need that.
If you are here looking for Juice Feasting it could be that you are wanting some support, some camaraderie, or maybe some laughs as you chew your tasty morsels and laugh at the crazies and their straws.
I am here, typing, as a way to journal. If you want to follow along you are welcome.
I am going to be point blank in a lot of posts as we journey. No holds barred. I am writing for myself first. (that alone will be a challenge) Again, you are welcome to come along for the ride!
You might find measurements, raw emotional spillage, poop reports, and/or everything in between.
Might be embarrassing.
Could be fun.
Certainly, it will be an adventure!
Hang on!!
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