Following the lead of the awesomeness over at RAW...
We have a raw food challenge folks. Eating raw for 30 days...can she do it?
Here is a comment I posted over at RAW...check the sidebar for the link.
Ok, I am saying that I might possibly go for this. Don;t you feel encouraged?
A little about me...gluten free, dairy free, caffeine free, chocolate free, mostly sugar free, (absolutely chemical sweetener free!). Seems like raw would not be that much of a stretch. Well...I do love my fajitas. big sigh. And beans...can you eat those raw?
Seriously, my goal is to try to finish strong on the Raw- 30 day- challenge. I look forward to my body getting to a state of clean purity. (my gut anyway ;-)
Then I hope to have a lifestyle that is very very high in raw foods with some lean grilled chicken or at least cooked legumes thrown in at regular intervals.
I also hope to get my hubby to join me (and my daughter) in on this.
So Christie, you have 3 here lining up and waiting for the gun. (that would be the starting gun...even tho it does feel like I just smoked my last cigarette.)
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