Here is a rant I posted over on the RAW blog. It aint pretty.
Well, since this is a RAW blog I'm gonna be raw.
I hated day one. (We did day one yesterday.)
I think it will get better. I hope. It will get better...right?
Actually, eating raw for breakfast is no big deal. Even raw for lunch. But by dinner I would give my left arm...or your left arm...for a piece of meat. If not meat then just some corn chips. ahhhhh.....
To be faced with a salad...well...after a few hundred bites of enzymes I look at my near future with disdain. I can "see" the benefits before me but the enemy is vicious. "it's not worth it"...whisper whisper whisper.
This morning things do look brighter, but the evening seems like a not so good ending to my day. big sigh.
I am going on faith...from what you have blogged...from what my daughter is telling me (she is a food nazi by the way) ...that my tastes will change and I will get with the program.
I told her that I am big enough and sneaky enough that I could find a way to score me a big nacho salad if I really wanted to. I am choosing this journey of raw...choosing it. But I gotta at least be able to vent some verbal angst. I think you call it "dealing with your stuff". Yeah...that's what I am doing. It is all a part of the deeper cleanse. Right? right! :-)
Ok enough about me. Here we go with day 2.