Baby girl has a teddy bear named "Jesus".
It is really strange to hear her talk to him.
"wait right there Jesus I will be right back. Don't get into anything while I am gone."
I wonder why she named him Jesus. It is kind of an angel teddy. Gauzy wings and what looks to be a beauty pageant ribbon thing across the chest. Maybe that is her vision of Jesus.
Do you think Jesus would be a shoe in for Miss Congeniality?
Mr. Congeniality I guess makes more sense.
Anyway, baby girl is pretty practical when it comes to naming her babies. Sometimes.
She has a bear named Pinkety. He is pink.
She also has a bear named Softly. He is my favorite. He is really really soft.
There is a stable of ponies...
Sunset...is orange.
ClipClop...grey with one white foot. A clipclop is a foot. In case you wondered.
Alec Jr...she really loves him. (she has a friend named Alec)
Happy bear...is actually a dog...sometimes we call him Funny Dog
Pink Bow
Sally the frog
The tiny little squinkys in no particular order...
Mustache Louie,
Mr Purple Bulldog
Elle the Elephant
Big Warthog
Big Baby
Cotton Candy Lion
Tiger Tiger
Ar, Ar, Ar (a seal)
The Tooth Fairy
Floppy Ears
Polly pockets have names that may or may not be influenced by Disney...
Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Jasmine, she has others.
Her brothers may have helped her name some of the dollhouse people...
Anya the mother
Judy the babysitter
Judy is also the grandma...they are two different dolls
Montino the neighbor
Bobby is the teenager guy...he farts a lot.
John...just because
Last but not least we have the baby dolls.
One is named Delilah. She just likes that name. It is a good name.
Her little sister is named Felicia. Felicia is glad to have a name. She has an unfortunate name history. Someone got to her with a sharpie. She ended up with a beauty mark on her cheek.
Her name...up until recently....
I know.